The Bizolver Biz Blog 2.0

Originally conceived in 2011, established in 2013, neglected until 2015, parked until 2020

The Bizolver Biz Blog is back! After 5 years of silence and observation. Basically, business got busy and time spent in front of the computer screen was dedicated to working, and Youtube, and the plethora of social media distractions. The itch to get back into writing blog articles has grown stronger over the past couple of years and the time has come to scratch that itch.

If you are interested in receiving my blog article updates via email simply sign up to the Bizolver Newsletter at the bottom of this page.

That being said, I have motivated myself once again to pursue my knowledge sharing journey via blogging. I, henceforth, present to you just that!

Staycation Market Research Project

Staycation Market Research Project

What is a Staycation? For the purpose of this research project we define staycation as; A staycation is when a person, and/or a group of people, stays within a short distance of their home while participating in touristic activities commonly enjoyed by visiting...

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